Wednesday 16 January 2013

What's it like to work at Pell & Bales?

Whats it like at Pell & Bales?

I have been working for Pell & Bales part-time for two years. It’s hard to believe now that when I first started I was terrified! On my first day I thought I was going to be sick.

Finding a part time job where I was raising money for charities was both exciting and daunting. Making a difference in the world was high on my list of things to do, yet the very thought of asking ‘Joe public’ for money was daunting. Yet here I am two years later confidently raising money and having wonderful conversations with everyone from Lords and Ladies, young mums, elderly people with great stories and sometimes people who are absolutely bonkers. Knowing that I raise money for wonderful charities such as NSPCC, UNICEF, RSPCA and so on is quite a privilege.

The job suits students and arty types who are looking for flexibility. Its great to be able to have the flexibility to work hours around your study. Less hours around exam time and being able to book more hours when you need them. The pay is also great.

I would be lying if I said telephone fundraising was easy but in order to be successful new training and coaching techniques and initiatives are always being put in place. The business as a whole spends considerable time and money on training and coaching and our reps committee work together with fundraisers and the business to produce a working environment which is fun.

Its a great place to meet new friends and many long lasting relationships are formed. It’s a tough job but there are few places where you can have fun make a difference in the world and earn good money.

Susie :-)